This course of advanced VLSI is dedicated towards the front-end design with simulation and back-end flow translating logic gates in to MOS transistor layer. During this course curriculum, our industry experienced instructor will train you to:
Build in-depth knowledge on Digital, Verilog, VHDL, Synthesis, System Verilog, UVM and CMOS along with frequently asked interview questions.
Have deeper understanding of key aspects like
Build sound knowledge on fundamentals of
Gain sound familiarity with working in a professional VLSI environment that includes Linux operating system and usage of Perl scripting language for automation and Questasim/NCSim for simulation.
Course Duration : 6 Months
Get confirmed job in Semiconductor/VLSI/EDA industry exclusively from Futurewiz Family
Course Name: Advanced VLSI Course for Confirmed Employment
Duration: 6 Months
Entrance Test: 15 September 2022
About the Course: This program is designed to give confirmed job to fresh college pass-out graduates, VLSI postgraduates, professionals and Non-VLSI professionals who have a passion to work with Semiconductor/EDA companies. This special course is one of its kinds to offer the job to students before completion, thereby reducing their tension of employment. This course is the complete package of VLSI design and verification flow, as per the current standard and requirements.
Eligibility Criteria: VLSI Professionals or fresh pass-out graduates from Electronics or Electrical Branch, who has completed any of the below Bachelor degree: B.Tech., M.Tech., B.Sc., M.Sc.
Advanced VLSI course is dedicated towards the job guarantee in front-end or back-end.
During this course curriculum, our professional and experiences instructor will train you to:
Build in-depth knowledge on Digital, Verilog, VHDL, Synthesis, System Verilog, UVM and CMOS along with frequently asked interview question.
Have deeper understanding of key aspects like
Build sound knowledge on fundamentals of